Sunday School

Everyone is welcome to Sunday School at Manotick United Church.

We provide a place that encourages children to be who they are and love each other just as we are.

Each Sunday when you arrive, you may sit together as a family in the sanctuary. Shortly after the service begins the children are then welcome to come and sit with the minster at the front of the church for children’s time. They may also may choose to remain sitting with their families. After this, we go downstairs to Sunday School together.

Each week our teachers provide crafts, activities and games that encourage the exploration of Gods bountiful world and how we all fit into it. These programs run for children aged 2-15 but all children are invited to come explore, create, question and indulge in the beauty of the glorious world around us. We are inclusive and encourage everyone to be exactly who they are. Our greatest lesson is to always remember that God loves each and every one of us exactly as we are.

We also have a quiet room upstairs where parents can go with their babies. There are comfy chairs where you can sit and look after your baby in a quiet comfortable space. There is an intercom in there so that you may continue to listen and be part of the service.

We hope that you will come and join us very soon…

As one of the children has said about Sunday School… ”I like it here” and we hope that you will too.