Preparing for a funeral and dealing with the death of someone we love is often difficult. Most people experience a myriad of feelings, and a community of faith provides compassionate support during the grieving process and funeral planning. This support and the funeral service remind us that we are not alone, and that we have companions on our life journeys. We also call on God to give us strength and courage when someone we love dies. A funeral or memorial service is a service of worship to give thanks for the life of our loved one even as we grieve our loss. Our faith also helps us face death, offer thanksgiving for the gift of life, and celebrate our Christian hope. Family members are very important in the planning of funeral or memorial services.

Our minister facilitates funerals and memorial services in our historic sanctuary as well as in local funeral homes. Our minister will help arrange the service and, if wanted, will provide pastoral care and guidance before, during, and after the service.

If you are seeking a funeral or memorial service for a loved one, please contact our office by phone or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..