Even in a wealthy community like Manotick, some families struggle to make ends meet.

At Manotick United Church we have two programs to provide a little extra assistance to those in need in the local community, White Gift Sunday and our Christmas Hamper program.

White Gift Sunday

White Gift SundayEach year during Advent we make an appeal to our congregation to donate brand new items that will be distributed locally to families in need.

In 2022 we collected warm mittens, hats and neck warmers for children who are served by the Manotick Food Cupboard. Extras were given to the snow suit fund.

Christmas Hampers

Christmas HampersIn cooperation with the Manotick Food cupboard and Rural Ottawa South Support Services. Manotick United Church has supported several families at Christmas each year by providing a bundle of gift cards to purchase groceries, pharmacy products, gas, as well as gifts and other extra special items.